Wednesday, December 17, 2008
From the mouth of Jenna...
for instance...
Drew is crying and Jenna shouts out, "Drew, you need to get a grip!"
or the other night at my Mom's...
"Grandma, pigs are made out of ham and hotdogs."
Ohhhh, the list could go on and on...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
This is not candy...
I have been having to beat Drew off with a stick because he has been literally craving and crying over these delicious gummy vitamins.
Not that I can blame him...when I was preggo with Drew I ate (literally) a half a bottle of gummy flinstone vitamins one late night...don't ask...please. Lets just say I really did overdose and felt sick for a day or two.
Maybe I should start giving him the disgusting chalk flinstone vitamins that I ate when I was little...I bet he would run the other direction when I said it was time for vitamins.
What a mixed up message though...gummy bears are good, candy. Car gummies...bad, vitamins.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Doesn't really do him justice. (Yes, Joel this is what you get for shaving off your hair--and you had hair--some people are not as lucky as you were). He doesn't know I am writing this...he is in the living room watching my taped episode of the Hills. Anyways...
I am staying busy volunteering at Jenna's school, trying to potty train and "manage" Drew, and changing and occasional diaper and fixing a bottle or two for this little man...
This explains how easy going of a kid he is...he falls asleep in my Mom's Johnny Jumper...what a sweetheart.
Jenna is great as usual. We are excited to go to High School Musical on ice on Friday night with Grandma Netter. This has become a little tradition and we have a really good time.
Like I mentioned before Drew is starting to use the toilet. He also sleeps in his own big bed and room now--although he still needs a bottle and binki. Who cares if you do things in order right? We pick our battles one at a time. Last night he was caught red-handed using a ball point pen to color Joel's big screen T.V. That was an ordeal. Like I said, we are trying to "manage" this little boy who is extremely cute and intelligent.
Lastly, is Ethan...the picture above says it all and really I am too tired to write anything else--
This is a BIG deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the first time he has ever done anything on the potty...
more to post later....
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I want candy!!!
A very tired 6 month old...yes, he fell asleep as the clock struck 8.A very happy almost two-year old. "Candy, candy peeeess!"----NO MORE CANDY!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Not you too Nick Jr.--
This is the Presidential Race that I am most concerned come on and vote on November 4th (educated and responsibly please).
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Happy Belated
First, I took the kids to McDonalds one night where Jenna got another toy to add to our gazillions of McDonald toys. It is a small barbie doll. She looks at me and goes, "You think she is hot?"
I am like...where did you hear the word "hot"? I mean I am sure I have used it around her but it sounds just soooo grown up coming out of the mouth of a five year old. So I asked her, "What do you think hot means?"
She replies, "It means you love her."
I reply, "Yes, Jenna. She is smokin' hot!"
Jenna then puts her barbie to her nose and sniffs literal.
I guess you could also say I had quite literally a "crappy" week. I mean the week went okay. We just had a lot of pooh issues. My friend and I were talking and she told me how her daughter went number two in the bath tub. I said, "Oh, thank goodness that has never happened to me." Well, it has now. So I took Jenna and Drew out of the polluted bath tub and ran them to the shower. Not even minutes later I hear Jenna screaming. Drew did it the shower no less. Then the next day I put him in his crib to take a nap. Unfortunately I couldn't find a binki anywhere. So I thought all the crying was because of his missing "security binki." Wrong!...he really took off his diaper for the first time ever--pants as well and smeared pooh everywhere. Just like a monkey. So it was a "crappy" week.....................................................literally.
I need a vacation...............................literally.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It's the most wonderful time of the year...
Me and the little man. Don't mind the spit up all over the E-man...he has reflux :(The kids trying to find the perfect pumpkin!And my most favorite part of the FALL is having three amazing kids to share this season with!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Now I know...
Jenna and one of the few hot air balloons off in the distance...can you see it????I think that Ethan even thought it was a little too early...
Did you know...
Cooties is a slang word in North American English, used by children, referring to a fictitious disease or condition, often 'carried' by members of the opposite sex. One supposedly catches cooties through any form of bodily contact, close proximity, contact with an "infected" person's possessions, or third-party transmission.
this definition is from an acutual encyclopedia...
this morning Jenna was telling me about two boys in her kindergarten class...both of which go to our same church as well.
she says, "Josh is in my class and Ben is his friend."
I say, "Oh, that is nice. Are you friends with Ben too?"
Jenna replies, "No, Ben don't wanna be my friend."
Since we go to the same church and have even had Ben in primary before I know that he is a shy little guy and a man's man, you know the kind of kid that thinks that girls have cooties and such...
so I reply, "Well sometimes boys don't like to play with girls because they think they have cooties."
Jenna then pipes up, "I DON'T have cooties! I collect seashells!"
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I tag...Ethan!?
And she is off...
my sisters can appreciate this have to have a picture in front of the sun...all my sisters and I went to the same elementary school that Jenna is now attending...very cool.
Can I just say that she was the most stylish, happiest, cutest girl in kindergarten today!!! And no I am not partial! Well, sort of...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
i want
Monday, August 25, 2008
Jenna's new haircut...
After getting Jenna's haircut she asks Joel, "Hyrum and Garrett still going to think I cool with my new haircut?"................answer.................................................................................................yes!
then she asks Ethan, "You like my new haircut?"...............answer..........................drool, but yes!
only 10 more days until kindergarten!!!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Mt. Kilimanjaro
Jenna throws her first party! (behind her parent's backs)
Yesterday we all went for a walk around our neighborhood and while we were out Jenna's little friend down the street came running out and asked if she could play. We said yes and told Jenna that we had to walk up to Grandma's house (right up the street from us) to take back some chairs we borrowed so she needed to play at Lizzie's house until we came back. About a half an hour later we see Jenna in her swimsuit running up the street towards us at Grandma's. We knew there was probably trouble because we have the trampoline and little swimming pool set up in our backyard and the kids love to play at our house. Anyways, we start to walk home and can already hear the chants of little kids coming from our house. The front door is wide open and I find about 7 little kids (some of which I have never seen before) on our deck eating our popsicles two at a time and having a party!...wrappers and shoes everywhere. Seeming it was 8:00pm I ushered them out of our house and told Jenna that she can't have friends over when we are not home!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My little chubs
like this............a little too bright.
And we can't forget about the Tasmanian devil in our lives...DREW! He is really craZy!!!!! Here he is just taking in some rays at Silverwood last week...
KID Cribs
We had a good time filming this...Jenna loves the camera! Anyways here are some more pics...
The night stand that I turned into a vanity...I recovered the little chair ( a good find at TJ Maxx) and I also made the photo board, painted the mirror I have had forever and ta-da!We moved the bed and I painted an old frame and put fabric in it...looks cute.Got a new lamp and gave her my old she can have some dance parties in her room...oh is fun being a girl.One happy five year old...what a cutie! Now I need to finish painting the guest bathroom that I started year ago...oh my.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Did someone say snakes!!!!
RATTLESNAKES!!!! Okay this is not cool! I am petrified of these things. The funny thing is that about two years ago I read an article from the Ensign about one of the quorum of the seventy who rented a house boat on Roosevelt. A really bad storm hit and they had to beach their boat. Unfortunately the beach that they were forced to stay at was infested with rattlesnakes and he told of the power of faith and prayer, anyways. This story has always been in the back of my mind since Joel and I love to go boating at Roosevelt. I guess the camper had killed two in just that day. The camp around the corner from us actually had one swim across the lake and land straight in their camp! I was dying, especially since Drew and Jenna were running all around the place and our dog Rocky was too. The funny thing is that Rocky usually runs crazy all over the hills and through the forest above us...and he did just once...right when we got to the beach. But after that he stayed in camp with his ears back the rest of the time. Well, my Sister Natalie and her little family came out to meet us for the weekend. We told them of the snake problem and late that night we were sitting around talking when Brandon needed to venture down the beach to go take a whiz...anyways, he was NOT going to take a flashlight and it was the darkest night! I made him take my flashlight (thank goodness) and he was only about 15 yards away when we see him come running back to camp saying "SNAKE!!!" Sure enough there was a 3 foot rattler about 15 yards from where we were...gross!!! I think Brando wet himself and I immediately went to bed--not to get a wink of sleep the whole night!!! Needless to say we left the next day. It was a quick camping trip but one to remember for sure. It is just funny that this is the one time we go camping as a family and run into snakes...yuck!
P.S. Wasn't I the one who said if anyone runs into a snake or gets bit it would be Brandon ( I guess you would have to know him)...and yes he did throw rocks at it so it coiled up and started to rattle it's tail.........SO sick!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Vacations, vacations, vacations!!!
How did Jenna get in the fish tank??? We always new she was a fish!
Dad, Jenna, and Drew
Dad, Jenna, and Drew in a giant shark's mouth
Getting ready to set sail on our whale watching cruise...more to come on the subject...
Me and the kids at the Tillamook cheese factory....say "WE LOVE CHEESE!!!" (except for Drew is allergic, poor kid)
Jenna on a giant turtle saying, "McCombs first family vacation!"
Joel and Drew man at the lighthouse in Newport, OR.